Sharing the secrets of health and peace.
Diabetes Type 2
Stress Over A Prolong Period Can Cause Chronic Diseases Like Diabetes Type 2, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Weight Gain etc. Stresses Can be Work Related, Emotional, Physical, Or Due To Disease Condition etc. Effective Stress Management Is Very Essential When These Stresses Are Active. Learn The Ways To Handle The Stressful Life. Also, Learn Vipassana & Anapana Meditations.

'Diabetes Type 2'
Regular exercise is essential in the effective management of type 2 diabetes.
Stress Over A Prolong Period Can Cause Chronic Diseases Like Diabetes Type 2, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Weight Gain etc. Stresses Can be Work Related, Emotional, Physical, Or Due To Disease Condition etc. Effective Stress Management Is Very Essential When These Stresses Are Active. Learn The Ways To Handle The Stressful Life. Also, Learn Vipassana & Anapana Meditations. Manage blood sugar & avoid drastic fluctuations, Control hypertension. Gradually reverse Blockages. Reduce arthritis pain. Help to prevent deadly complications of diabetes/ hypertension, e.g., Blindness, Gangrene, Limb amputation, Renal failure, Severe infections, Organ failures, and complications leading to death. Reduce the fear of deadly complications. Reduce dependency on medications and live a healthier free life.
Manage Diabetes Mellitus Hypertension
Manage diabetes and hypertension diseases and not just their ‘one of the symptoms’ like high blood glucose or high blood pressure.
Understand the root causes causing chronic inflammations in the body and the causes of diabetes, hypertension, or blockages like diseases.
Learn to identify these root factors in your life and learn to manage them.
Thus disease comes under control, and symptoms also decrease
You can avoid dependency on medications.
Avoid serious complications and side effects from the diseases and prolong medications.
Save a lot of money on costly treatments of these diseases and treatments of their complications.
Enjoy a healthy life again.